University of Michigan Summer Session in Epidemiology 2023

Enhance Your Career

For more than 58 years, the Summer Session in Epidemiology at the University of Michigan has been one of the nation’s most highly regarded summer epidemiology programs. The program can give you a career boost in just one to three intensive weeks.


The SSE is designed for public health and healthcare professionals, researchers, and others who want to build a foundation in epidemiologic science. A background in public health, biostatistics
or epidemiology is helpful but not required. After completing this activity, participants will be able to understand and utilize the central principles of research in clinical populations, including study design, analysis of Biostatistics, and causal inference.

Applications, including fee, must be received by MAY 31, 2023

For questions, please email Maria Gilson: [email protected]

Course Information

  • 2023 Courses can be taken Online or In-Person depending on the course.
  • In-Person courses will have a remote option as well (i.e. live attendance via Zoom).
  • Please see the Course Schedule for each course option.



“The Summer Session at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, was a great opportunity for me to engage in continuing education that enabled me to enrich my understanding of epidemiological concepts and enhance my ability to adapt and apply epidemiological measures to improve my support of public health initiatives and develop the awareness necessary to select and apply intervention strategies” ~Brenda W. Campbell Jenkins, MPH, Ph.D 2022 Participant

“The Summer Session in Epidemiology was a great learning experience. Research is required in my role as a pediatric emergency medicine fellow, and these classes supplemented my knowledge of interpreting and understanding data. The faculty were wonderful; their combination of lectures and small group activities engaged people from many backgrounds with different perspectives. Overall, it was great, and well worth the time!” ~Jordan Ferguson, DO 2022 Participant


Click her to apply.