Labor Stud J. 2023 Dec;48(4):336-362. doi: 10.1177/0160449×231196227. Epub 2023 Aug 30.


Precarious employment is an important social determinant of health inequities. Through in-depth qualitative interviews (n = 35), we examine precarious employment and labor exploitation, their potential impact on the working environment, and, ultimately, the health of farmworkers. We present results from the community-based participatory Michigan Farmworker Project. Our analysis identified dimensions of precarious employment and labor exploitation that involved lacking access to fundamental labor and social rights-including dehumanization-discriminatory occupational practices, and insufficient access to health care and social benefits. Policy reform is needed to address precarious employment and labor exploitation among farmworkers due to their potential long-lasting health effects.

PMID:38939876 | PMC:PMC11210576 | DOI:10.1177/0160449×231196227