Continuing Education

Our Courses

We offer a wide variety of continuing education and professional development courses for practitioners in industrial health, safety, occupational health nursing and occupational medicine. The courses are held at various locations, both on and off campus.

Other Opportunities

Trainings & Online Resources

Michigan Public Health Training Center

Risk Bites Video Series – This YouTube channel aims to provide a wide audience with short, engaging insights into the science of risk, presented by the University of Michigan Risk Science Center.

C4E TV – This Youtube channel showcases a collection of videos that provide information about ergonomics risks and recommendations based off of information from real case studies.

For information about COHSE Continuing Education Courses and Programs

Sheryl Ulin, PhD, CPE
Director of Continuing Education & Outreach
1205 Beal Avenue-IOE Bldg.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone: 734-763-0133
Fax: 734.764.3451

[email protected]