Other Events & Tours
The University of Michigan Center for Occupational Health and Safety Engineering has a variety of educational opportunities available to students as well as those outside of the university community. Our opportunities include:
Virtual Tours
We have been welcomed by the University of Illinois-Chicago to include all of you in a virtual tour of the River View Coal Mine located in eastern Kentucky. River View utilizes continuous mining units employing room-and-pillar mining techniques to produce high-sulfur coal and is the largest mine of its kind in the nation. If you’re interested in receiving the link, please email [email protected]
Annual Events
Ford Rouge Factory Tour – Saturday April 15th 2023
Join us for a free tour to the Ford Rouge Factory Complex. This normally self-guided tour, sponsored by COHSE, is led by two docents and includes a walk through a working truck plant, a view one of the world’s largest “living roofs,” a gallery of iconic Ford vehicles produced at the Rouge, and two theatre experiences.
Research Symposium – Friday April 14th 2023
Learn about Challenges in Occupational and Environmental Justice. Hear about the work done with Occupational and Environmental Justice work across the regional ERC’s.
Occupational Health Speaker Series – Every Friday During Winter Semester, Now Online
Listen to engaging lectures about a variety of contemporary professional, research, and policy topics in occupational and environmental health and safety. Talks are given by experienced experts from academia, government, and the private sector.
Past Events
The National Museum of the Great Lakes
The guided tour of the Col. James M. Schoonmaker, which operated from 1911 to 1981, will explore what life was like for the crew on a lake freighter with a focus on occupational health and safety and how that changed over the working life of the vessel.
Marathon Refinery Tour
This tour will get inside the facility to visit distillation, catalytic cracking, hydro treating, reforming alkylation, sulfur recovery, and coking facilities involved in producing gasoline, distillates, asphalt, cok, propane, and other products.
General Motors: Lansing Delta Township Assembly
Facility visit with Assembly Occupational Health & Safety discussion, chance to tour assembly line and medical facility within the plant. Discussions and panel provided by real world occupational health and safety professionals navigate heavy industry work environments.
Detroit Environmental Tour: A Tour of Toxic Sites in Detroit
Experience a first-hand look at some of Detroit’s major sources of pollution and explore cultural and historical points of interest in Detroit. This tour is a day-long event sponsored by COHSE.
Other Opportunities
Trainings & Online Resources
Michigan Public Health Training Center
Risk Bites Video Series – This YouTube channel aims to provide a wide audience with short, engaging insights into the science of risk, presented by the University of Michigan Risk Science Center.
C4E TV – This Youtube channel showcases a collection of videos that provide information about ergonomics risks and recommendations based off of information from real case studies.
For information about COHSE Events and Tours Contact:
Kaley James
ERC Program Coordinator
Center for Occupational Health and Safety Engineering
M6112 SPH II
1415 Washington Heights Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone: 734-936-0749