Ergonomics Training, Job Analysis and Follow-Up Activities for Small and Medium Sized Michigan Companies

Ergonomics training, job analysis and follow-up activities are offered by The University of Michigan, College of Engineering, Center for Ergonomics, which has support from the State of Michigan to provide ergonomics training and service to a limited number of small and medium sized Michigan companies free of charge.


Leia Stirling, PhD
Sheryl S. Ulin, PhD, CPE

Training and Service Activities Provided
The training and service activities provided by the project personnel include:

  • document and videotape operations (worker consent required)
  • prepare a written job analysis report of selected operations
  • provide introductory ergonomics training for 25 or more people

The ergonomics awareness seminar is a two and a half hour seminar at the manufacturing site that uses in-house examples as job analysis case studies. The purpose of the training is to teach participants how to:

  • identify work-related risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and low back pain
  • design jobs to control workers’ exposure to the identified risk factors

Expectations of Participating Sites
Participating sites from small and medium sized Michigan companies are expected to:

  • provide a guided tour through the facility
  • identify representative and/or problem operations
  • arrange for 25 or more plant personnel and/or interested people from other facilities to attend the training seminar
  • provide a conference room for the training session
  • allow operations to be videotaped and/or photographed
  • complete a follow-up questionnaire

This project is funded by the State of Michigan under a Consultation Education and Training (CET) Grant awarded by the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA). MIOSHA is a part of the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA).

Executive Summary

The University of Michigan
Center for Ergonomics

Work related musculoskeletal disorders such as low back injuries and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders are a major cause of disability and workers’ compensation throughout the United States. The objective of this project is to provide employers and workers with information and procedures necessary to identify and control the conspicuous ergonomics workplace risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders. Grant personnel will develop customized on-site introductory ergonomics training seminars that will provide introductory ergonomics information, workplace examples to illustrate ergonomic risk factors and job design principles. The seminars will be customized by utilizing risk factor examples from participating companies as well as facilitated job analysis case studies.

This will be available to six small or medium sized companies within the State of Michigan. In addition, limited follow-up activities will be conducted with the six participating companies to document the integration of ergonomics within the company and workplace changes. These activities provide an excellent opportunity for Michigan companies to initiate or expand their ergonomics activities. Small and medium sized firms often rely on external resources to assist them with ergonomics training, program design and job analysis. Past ergonomics CET grant activities conducted by The University of Michigan Center for Ergonomics have been in high demand because of the high quality training and service that is provided by the project staff.

For information about this Opportunity Contact:

Sheryl Ulin, PhD, CPE
Director of Continuing Education & Outreach
1205 Beal Avenue-IOE Bldg.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone: 734-763-0133
Fax: 734.764.3451

[email protected]