Seminars on Demand

Select seminars offered by the University of Michigan School of Public Health have been recorded and are available for online viewing. These seminars have been arranged according to The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)’s National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) sector and cross-sector groups. Click on a category below to view the associated seminars.

NIOSH Sector Programs

Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing: Prevention of work-related injuries, diseases, and deaths among agricultural/forestry workers and fishermen including identification and reduction of occupational health disparities among groups of vulnerable workers

Construction: Reduction of occupational injuries, illnesses, and deaths among construction workers through targeted research and prevention

Healthcare and Social Assistance: Reduction of work-related injuries, diseases, and deaths among individuals working in establishments providing health care and social assistance through targeted research and prevention

Manufacturing: Identification and examination of issues in workplace health and safety in the manufacturing sector

Mining: Prevention of occupational injuries, diseases, and deaths within the mining workplace, including metal, mineral, stone, coal, sand & gravel mines, and their associated plants, mills, shops, and offices

Oil and Gas Extraction: Mitigation of work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths among workers in the oil and gas extraction industry, including institutions engaged in operating and/or developing onshore oil and gas fields

Public Safety: Reduction of occupational injuries, illnesses, and deaths among public safety workers including fire service, law enforcement, corrections, emergency medical service, and wildland fire service

Services: Prevention of work-related injuries, diseases, and deaths among those employed in the service industry including finance and insurance, real estate, arts, entertainment, recreation, and public administration workers

Transportation, Warehousing & Utilities: Reduction of occupational injuries, illnesses, and deaths among transportation, warehousing, and utilities workers including employees engaged in transportation of passengers and freight via air, water, rail, and ground

Wholesale and Retail Trade: Prevention of occupational injuries, illnesses, and deaths among workers in wholesale and retail trade through partnerships and targeted research

NIOSH Cross-Sector Programs

Cancer, Reproductive, Cardiovascular and Other Chronic Disease Prevention: Prevention of a diverse range of work-related diseases and conditions including occupational cancer, reproduction disorders, occupational cardiovascular disease, and occupational neurologic disease

Hearing Loss Prevention: Prevention of occupational hearing loss due to hazardous noise exposure and toxic substances through the development of interventions and research surrounding noise control, personal protective equipment, and best practices

Immune, Infectious and Dermal Disease Prevention: Study of work-related immune diseases, such as contact dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, asthma, and infectious diseases caused by occupational exposures including skin contact with chemicals

Musculoskeletal Health: Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, or injuries caused by repetitive motion, force, vibration, or awkward positions that can affect the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, and cartilage in your upper and lower limbs, neck, and lower back

Respiratory Health: Prevention of hazardous exposures that may cause respiratory health issues such as airways diseases (e.g., asthma, chronic lung disease); interstitial lung diseases (e.g., asbestosis, silicosis); respiratory infectious diseases (e.g., tuberculosis, influenza) and respiratory malignancies (e.g., lung cancer, mesothelioma)

Traumatic Injury Prevention: Prevention of occupational injuries and deaths due to sudden events such as falls, motor vehicle crashes, and chemical explosions through research and protective technology engineering

Healthy Work Design and Well-Being: Improvement of occupational design, environments, and management practices in order to increase worker safety, health, and well-being including physical, emotional, mental, and economic health

Other Opportunities

Trainings & Online Resources

Michigan Public Health Training Center

Customized Biosafety Training for Midwest Companies

Risk Bites Video Series – This YouTube channel aims to provide a wide audience with short, engaging insights into the science of risk, presented by the University of Michigan Risk Science Center.

C4E TV – This Youtube channel showcases a collection of videos that provide information about ergonomics risks and recommendations based off of information from real case studies.

For information about COHSE Continuing Education Courses and Programs

Sheryl Ulin, PhD, CPE
Director of Continuing Education
1205 Beal Avenue-IOE Bldg.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone: 734-763-0133
Fax: 734.764.3451

[email protected]
[email protected]