Seminars: Hearing Loss Prevention

Select seminars offered by the University of Michigan School of Public Health have been recorded and are available for online viewing. These seminars have been arranged according to The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)’s National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) sector and cross-sector groups. Click on a category below to view the associated seminars related to Hearing Loss Prevention.

Hearing Protector Fit-Testing: FAES 101

Picture1Hearing Protector Fit-Testing: FAES 101
Pegeen Smith, RN, MS, COHN-S, 3M Company
Despite best efforts to prevent noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) employers continue to struggle to minimize NIHL cases. This session explains why the Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) and derating schemes are poor predictors of individual protection. Participants will also learn the benefits of incorporating a FAES into a comprehensive hearing conservation program.

Brief Sounds: The Heartless Hearing Hazards

Brief Sounds: The Heartless Hearing Hazards
Greg Flamme, Western Michigan University

The human auditory system is overwhelmed when exposed to brief, high-level sounds – sometimes leading to instantaneous permanent hearing impairment. In this presentation, Dr. Flamme will describe some of the mechanisms by which these sounds damage the auditory system, the techniques used to assess the hazard posed by these signals, and the effectiveness of hearing protectors for reducing the likelihood of hearing damage.

For information about COHSE Continuing Education Courses and Programs

Sheryl Ulin, PhD, CPE
Director of Continuing Education
1205 Beal Avenue-IOE Bldg.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone: 734-763-0133
Fax: 734.764.3451

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