Seminars: Musculoskeletal Health
Select seminars offered by the University of Michigan School of Public Health have been recorded and are available for online viewing. These seminars have been arranged according to The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)’s National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) sector and cross-sector groups. Click on a category below to view the associated seminars related to Musculoskeletal Health.
Analysis of work tasks from a cognitive ergonomics perspective: concepts, models, and methods
Analysis of work tasks from a cognitive ergonomics perspective: concepts, models, and methods
Katia M Costa-Black, PhD
Cognitive ergonomics is a subfield of cognitive science especially concerned with the human task-oriented activity in terms of the perceptual, information-processing and psychomotor aspects of work. General models of cognitive task-oriented activity have been developed to account for the complexity of human behaviors produced in work situations, to explain erroneous action, and to conceptualize human-computer interaction. This webinar will present and discuss some of these models and how they have helped in improving the design of technologies, organizational environment and learning environments, as well as in decreasing human error. In addition to the major models and concepts utilized in the field of cognitive ergonomics, several methods based on user-centered design research will be described. These methods aim to collect and integrate data about the user needs and the requirements in the design of systems and organizations for a more successful transformation of the workplace and use of human-sensitive technology. They are very useful, especially today with the rapid growth of complex technological environments and the widespread introduction of information technologies to automate work processes.
From Practice to Policy: California’s new standard to reduce MSDs among Hotel Room Cleaners
From Practice to Policy: California’s new standard to reduce MSDs among Hotel Room Cleaners
Carisa Harris, PhD, PT, CPE
Hotel room cleaners comprise of only 23.5% of the employees in their industry, yet have the greatest risk for developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) based on psychosocial and physical risk factors. The overall injury rate for this segment of workers is 1.5 times greater than that of all hotel workers studied. During this webinar, learners will explore the research behind the first ergonomic standard specific to hotel room cleaners, the Hotel Housekeeping Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Standard (Title 8 Section 3345), which was enacted by the Cal/OSHA Standards Board on July 1, 2018.
Vehicle Seat Design, Whole Body Vibration, and Low Back Pain
Vehicle Seat Design, Whole Body Vibration, and Low Back Pain
Pete Johnson, PhD
This webinar will cover the causes, prevalence, and costs of whole body vibration related disorders. Learners will explore how whole body vibration exposures are measured, assessed, and characterized, and the role vehicle seats may play in reducing whole body vibration related injuries and disorders.
Mechanics of Human Lower Back and Occupational Low Back Pain
Mechanics of Human Lower Back and Occupational Low Back Pain
Babak Bazrgari, PhD
During this webinar, Dr. Bazrgari will describe the theoretical framework utilized by his lab to investigate the role of lower back biomechanics in occupational low back pain. Learners will also explore the experimental and computational methods used for studying lower back biomechanics, and review examples of research conducted in the Human Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Lab at the University of Kentucky.
Ergonomics Research and Practice to Enhance Miner Safety and Health
Ergonomics Research and Practice to Enhance Miner Safety and Health
Patrick Dempsey, PhD, CPE, NIOSH
Mining is a hazardous sector with a broad range of occupational exposures and hazards. The Workplace Health Branch within the Pittsburgh Mining Research Division of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health performs research on hearing and musculoskeletal health, and develops interventions and tools to assist the mining industry with prevention. The presentation will focus on ergonomics approaches to preventing musculoskeletal disorders and slips, trips and falls
Engaging Computer Vision for Ergonomics Exposure Assessment
2017Engaging Computer Vision for Ergonomics Exposure Assessment
Robert G. Radwin, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Computer vision has impacted a diverse field of applications, ranging from industrial robotics, intelligent and autonomous vehicles, security surveillance, manufacturing inspection, and human-computer interaction. New computer vision methods are being developed for ergonomics exposure risk assessment. Computer vision offers a more objective and efficient exposure assessment tool than observational analysis.
Impacts of Workstation Adjustability on Task Performance and Injury Risk: A Case Study of Simulated Drilling
2017Impacts of Workstation Adjustability on Task Performance and Injury Risk: A Case Study of Simulated Drilling
Maury Nussbaum, PhD, CPE, Virginia Tech
There is limited evidence regarding the influence of task design on performance and ergonomic risk. In this presentation, Dr. Nussbaum uses a controlled experiment in order to examine the effect of three levels of workstation adjustability on performance as measured by productivity and quality.
Computer Vision-based Automated Ergonomic Risk Assessment of Working Postures
2016Computer Vision-based Automated Ergonomic Risk Assessment of Working Postures
SangHyun Lee, PhD, University of Michigan
650,000 workers have Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) injuries per year in the U.S. The cause of these MSD’s is exposure to risk factors such as poor work practices, poor fitness and poor health habits. In this study, Dr. Lee used a computer vision-based ergonomic risk assessment to analyze different postures and how risky they are to a worker’s health.
The Effects of Systems and Design on Employee Health and Safety from the Office to the Construction Site
2016The Effects of Systems and Design on Employee Health and Safety from the Office to the Construction Site: Identifying Causal Pathways Through Modern Ergonomics and Human Factors
Jack Dennerlein, PhD, Northeastern University
Using conceptual frameworks that bridge all three domains of modern ergonomics (physical, organizational, and cognitive) our research identifies causal pathways that improve the performance and wellbeing of workers across a wide range of business sectors. Whether it be the design of a smart phone or the design of a smart workplace health and safety program, incorporating the human element improves employee health and safety, extending work life expectancy.
Ergonomics 2.0–Designing and Developing Safe, Productive, and Cost Effective Manufacturing Systems
2015Ergonomics 2.0–Designing and Developing Safe, Productive, and Cost Effective Manufacturing Systems
Bradley Joseph, MPH, MS, PhD, CPE, Ford Motor Company
This presentation will show how using various design tools early in program timing can positively impact manufacturing design before systems are ordered and built. Cross functional teams consisting of Product Engineers, Workstation Engineering, Material handling and Virtual Assembly work together to ensure new programs ergonomics (including quality and cost targets) are met by examining worker safety, line thru-put, labor, workstation design and product design. Finally, an example will be used to illustrate key concepts.
Automatic Detection of Unsafe Actions in Construction: Markerless Motion Capture Approach
2013Automatic Detection of Unsafe Actions in Construction: Markerless Motion Capture Approach
SangHyun Lee, PhD, University of Michigan
About 80%–90% of accidents in construction are strongly associated with workers’ unsafe actions and errors. The Dynamic Project Management Group at UM has been working on the development of a computer-vision–based monitoring framework to detect unsafe posture and action. This study opens up the possibility of micro-level motion tracking and recognition with typical video cameras to identify the frequency and types of workers’ unsafe actions on jobsites.
Discomfort and Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Foot and Knee Associated with Standing and Walking
Discomfort and Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Foot and Knee Associated with Standing and Walking
Robert Werner, MD, MS
In this presentation, Robert A. Werner discusses Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) of the foot and knee associated with standing and walking. Different factors are discussed such as amount of time standing/walking by job category, amount of time on different floor types, and amount of time on matting. Finally, Werner discusses possible interventions for some of the MSD’s.
Physical and Functional Performance in Older Adults: Implications for the Aging Worker
Physical and Functional Performance in Older Adults: Implications for the Aging Worker
Diane E. Adamo, OTR, PHD; Ken Dunleavy PT, PHD; Allon Goldberg PT, PHD, Wayne State University.
In this presentation Diane E. Adamo compares physical capabilities and age. She compares lower body strength, upper body flexibility, and aerobic endurance over time and between men and women. She also talks about injuries in older workers such as those caused by falling as well as preventative measures to avoid such injuries.
Industrial Engineering Overview
2010 Industrial Engineering Overview
Bradley Joseph, PhD, Ford Motor Company
A lecture presented by Bradley Joseph to provide an introduction and overview of industrial engineering, a branch of engineering concerned with the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, material and process.
Work-related and Personal Risk Factors for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
2010Work-related and Personal Risk Factors for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Bradley Evanoff, MD, MPH, Washington University
The goal of this study is to assess whether work-related physical activities are associated with Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), even when controlling for personal risk factors. A cross-sectional assessment of 1108 workers from eight employers and three unions completed nerve conduction testing, physical examination, and questionnaires. CTS was defined by median neuropathy and associated symptoms.
For information about COHSE Continuing Education Courses and Programs
Sheryl Ulin, PhD, CPE
Director of Continuing Education
1205 Beal Avenue-IOE Bldg.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone: 734-763-0133
Fax: 734.764.3451